Wednesday 9 July 2008

Get A Toy!

Is having a man perfect for a woman’s life?

I used not to think so until I realize all of my friends have one and they get busy with that. I find myself as a loner. For simple thing, they can’t just being there like they did. They can’t talk for some hours on the phone, go for some coffee time, or shopping. Not that bad actually, but we have to set up the times for sure. It’s not just a simple spontaneous lovely thing anymore. Do they lose their spontaneous, or they just do it with other people right now?

Well I was enjoying my single life, and now, I think I’m still enjoying it fifty percent. It’s just somehow I feel I need my friends to enjoy these craziness, and they can’t be there. But why do I have to depend on them? Can’t I enjoying it myself? K, that’s the point, I think I should find myself a boyfriend. Well not exactly, but at least a new toy. “Toy” I mean. Wasn’t it what you did when you’re a little? When you got no friends, alone, you just go and play with your toy. It could be a doll, a skipping rope, or a swing in your backyard. Well this time, I just need a toy. Get no friends around me, I think I’m going to find myself a ‘toy’ whom I can treat like a doll, make me sweat like a jumping rope, and who can make me ‘almost fly’ like a swing.

The question is, why do I prefer find a toy instead of a man, a boyfriend? I Think just find one just like my friends do, but it’s not that simple, considering finding a boyfriend for me, is same like finding a perfect shoes. He must look good on you, fit in you, has good materials, and the most important thing, he doesn’t hurt your feet. Right, now I’m telling you. In this big city just like Jakarta, whom everyone says just never sleeps, sometimes those twentieth something guys sleep or are in coma so they can’t see us ladies, single ladies. Some of them are taken, some of them spend their time with the wrongs ones, and some of them are just made to be a gay, our best friend, and the rest, they just being so chicken to face a life. So, while we’re sight seeing and waiting for them to wake up, why bother find a toy to entertain ourselves and to kill time. So whatcha’ prefer, just wait, or go find a toy? It might be interesting.


Unknown said...

bner ron!!!
gw sih cuma bisa dukung aja... yah mudah2an sih klo lo dapet "toy" trus abis itu ilang... lo jangan sedih..
karena lo pasti bisa "toy" yang baru..
namanya juga "toy" pasti bisa ditemuin dmana aja!!

Pingkan Rumondor said...

mm, kalo uda ketemu toy nya kenal2in ya..
u should write a book na..

simple things in life in our age..
in our friendship
like carrie bradshaw did..

i would like to be your source, as long as you make it anonymous.. hihihihihi...

Good luck ya na :)

Claudia said...

na.. you shuld start to find at least 'mr. right now' until mr. right finally revealed.
it sounds cheesy but who cares..

mr right now can turn and become mr right, right??

Rona Pasaribu said...

what's the diff btween mr.right now and 'toy'? hehe =P

Unknown said...

"toy"-nya ambigu yah..
tapi sepenerawangan gue, toy= pria yg bisa diajak main2 dulu (main dalam hal positif).

cari aja langsung dah yang benerannya.. jgn pake2 toy lagi!haha

mantap tulisannya mbak!

Anonymous said...

benar skali. good advice. get a toy ;) when I'm alone, I find myself in my own private playground :)

yang harus ditegaskan disini adalah: get a toy while you DON'T have a boyfriend. because, you know, toy often more fun than your boyfriend *nastysmile*

Adimas said...

setubuh!! eh setuju ron! gw juga sebagai cowo mau2 aja toy! hahaha lol,, btw i agree

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